
Discovering Steiner’s Six Dramatic Gestures


 Daniel Stokes

Drama, Speech & Poetry Teacher; Teacher Trainer

 Portland, USA


Drama potentially provides an endless resource for the development of educational and “life” skills. It is particularly valuable as a growth process in self-expression and the discovery of human qualities in ourselves and in others.

Credits: Rudolf Steiner School

In Asia,Europe,Oceania 

October 1,8,15,22,29; 2023

Sundays, 8:30 – 10:00 AM (IST)

Click here to know your time zone

Rs.8800 INR or $125 USD



In this certificate course of five sessions, participants will practice dramatic scenes from a Greek Play Demeter and Persephone that was written as a class play. We will explore how to find character and dramatic tension using the six dramatic exercises suggested by Rudolf Steiner in his Speech and Drama lectures. This work also lends itself to  the discovery of the Female and Male Greek Archetypes and their expression in our world today.


Skills to enhance:

Through dramatic games, exercises and performance, teacher will learn to help children:

Credits: Anthroposophical Society Canada
Credits: River Valley Waldorf School
Credits: Ringwood Waldorf School

  • Develop confidence in self-expression and communication: This involves improving speech articulation and fluency, enhancing imaginative and flexible thinking, overcoming self-consciousness by being in front of peers and adults, utilising the body creatively, actively listening and adapting to others, connecting emotionally through objective experiences, practicing sensitivity in interactions, and exploring various dramatic styles.
  • Develop social skills: Child’s social skills grow through drama by fostering responsibility for collective success, instilling commitment to project completion, building empathy through character portrayal, promoting sharing with audiences, teaching receptiveness to direction, encouraging teamwork and assistance, cultivating self-discipline, awareness, and concentration, and igniting curiosity for worldly exploration and comprehension.
  • Kindle their interest in reading, literature and language: Child’s reading and language interest is aroused through drama by creatively engaging with literature, portraying diverse historical characters and situations, reading new materials like scripts and stories, and interacting with writings from renowned playwrights.

About Daniel Stokes

Daniel has worked within the Waldorf Education movement since 1975. He received his teacher training at Emerson College, England and a diploma for Speech and Drama in Sydney, Australia. He co-founded Mythos Storytellers and Looking Glass Theater which performed and led workshops in schools across Australia. Over the past 30 years Daniel has been a class teacher and has brought a love for the spoken word, specifically its use in the classroom, through courses in poetry, storytelling and drama in Waldorf training centers throughout the U.S. and Asia. 
He currently lives with his wife in Portland and spends much of the year  training teachers and mentoring in Waldorf Schools.
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