Presents Masterclass #1.7 on
Mandala as Picture of Self and World
With Van James
Artist, Author, Educator | Hawaii, USA
On Saturday, 20th February 2021
Part of the ‘Transformative Power of Art’ Masterclass Series
In this session, we will explore the visual language of form. Can we learn to communicate meaningfully in the visual language of form and color in order to tell the stories we have in our heart and mind? This session will further explore the Mandala principle by delving
into the open secrets of form, pattern and color as a medium to better picture our relationship of Self to the World.
Newcomers are welcome as well! Here we will put together the various Mandala elements that effectively tell a story and we will work on themes with specific goals. Dealing with personal biography and/or global concerns we will practice of Self and World.
One-time newcomers are welcome to join this certificate course—no experience is necessary.

Pursue this individual Masterclass #1.7 (non-certificate) or attend the entire
series as a Certificate Course.