
The World of Waldorf Kindergarten

With Thanh Cherry

Early Childhood Waldorf Educator,


Author, Teacher Trainer,




Sydney, Australia


On February 26  &  March 5, 6, 12


9:00 AM – 12:30 PM Indian Standard Time




Rs.11,700 INR or $175 USD 




 “Our children are our future. Your child is also your teacher. I hope this course will assist you to discover healthy and enjoyable ways of helping your child to unfold his potential for future tasks. Through these creating a peaceful harmonious environment, building a warm loving relationship, developing gentle, and comforting gestures, among other practical ways, you are also developing the many qualities that have so far stayed dormant in you. We need to constantly improve ourselves in order to ably accompany our child on his way to adulthood. He will be the first person to show us how to do that.” – Thanh Cherry

Picture Courtesy: Kathmandu Waldorf Kindergarten, Nepal.

   In this 12 hour certificate course you will:

  • Become familiar with essential principles and aspects of Waldorf Kindergarten.
  • Explore the various stages of child development from age 0-3 & 4-7.
  • Gain an understanding about child’s play and how to read it.
  • Familiarise yourself with the Art of Storytelling.
  • Read and understand a child’s drawing and determine their developmental stage from it.
  • Gain an understanding of importance of self development as a Waldorf teacher.
  • Get acquainted with six basic exercises given by Rudolf Steiner for teacher’s self development.
  • Exercises for child observation.
  • Have an opportunity to ask questions at the end of each day’s work.

About Thanh Cherry

Thanh has been involved in Waldorf early childhood education for more than 40 years and holds a Master degree in Early Childhood Education from Western Sydney University. She was a kindergarten teacher in Australia for 23 years and, since 1994, has worked as an early childhood teacher trainer, mentor and consultant in many countries of Asia. Thanh played an active role in the birth and growth of the Chinese Waldorf early childhood education movement. She was General Coordinator of the Waldorf Early Childhood Training and Mentoring Programme in China (WECC), responsible for six Early childhood teacher training courses and supporting the many kindergartens which opened up in the country. Currently Thanh is Chairperson of the Steiner-Waldorf Association in Viet-Nam (SWAVN); Thanh is a co-author of “Parenting as an Art’, originally published in English with translations into Chinese and Vietnamese.

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