
Frequently Asked Questions about HANDLE Level 1

  • Is HANDLE  beneficial only for children with Special Needs?
    HANDLE can benefit both children with special needs and those without, as it focuses on promoting optimal brain function and development, improving overall well-being and learning abilities. It offers techniques that can enhance cognitive and sensory processing for individuals of all ages.
  • Will the course certificate allow you to perform this technique professionally?
    No, it will be a certificate of attendance that will allow you to continue with HANDLE at a higher Level.
  • Will there be a recording if I am unable to attend any of the sessions?
    We won’t be able to give the course recording since HANDLE forbids its distribution. When your 8 hours of attendance are completed, you will receive a certificate of attendance. If you do miss a session, though, you are welcome to attend the same one with any HANDLE Level 1 course provided by Nurturer’Studio.
  • How many levels does HANDLE have?
    HANDLE consists of four levels of training. Level 3 and Level 4 are trainings for those who wish to be providers of HANDLE services.These extensive trainings may be divided into shorter modules in the near future.
  • Will you be conducting workshops for further levels?
    Yes. However, it depends on number of nurturers interested for the course.
  • Is it true that I can repeat the class at no charge?
    Yes! Just let us know when you attended Level 1 before and you are welcome to be “Our Guest”.
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